Spiritual tarot work – fortune teller in Vienna
Are you looking for a fortune teller in Vienna?
Avalona is a professional fortune teller with more than years of experience in crowley tarot, gipsy cards, channeling, pendulum and many other energetic resp. esoteric methods, tools and spiritual process. Familiar with various cultures, religions and spiritual ways , Avalona is the fortune teller meeting both the eastern and western spiritual approach. Her comprehensive spiritual knowledge and ongoing interest in the ancient wisdom and religions, including celtic, buddhism or natural cultures makes her the most empathic medium in Vienna.
Avalona offers personal fortune telling in individual sessions and personal meetings as well as online meetings, tarot oracle by telephone.
Fortune telling workshops – Crowley Tarot and gipsy cards
She is also teaching fortune telling, holding seminars for tarot and gipsy card reading and author of serveral scripts and numberless articles about fortune telling, cards, oracles, numerology, channeling and many other spiritual topics.
In Vienna – among the natives as well as the foreigners – Avalona is not only well known as a fortune teller with humor and charisma but also for her solution orientated interpretation oft he cards. Not only her sensitive and creative approach is as legendary as her phantasy and empathy within the work with the cards.
Fortune telling is a descreet and very personal matter and Avalona is specialized in responding to the individual situation of her clients and to answer questions in the most sophisticated way considering their life situation and spiritual condition.
The Austrian fortune teller Avalona offering meetings in German and English language.
+43 (0) 699 12 64 74 10
30 min card reading 49,- €, 60 min card reading 99,- € circle of light donation